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Sarah Thomas: Poetry Collection

A Loss

Sitting in the hallway as I cried is where I first learned to quiet myself 

I was told that there was no worry 

That I was being unreasonable

But you provided refuge no matter what state I was in

Throughout my life, I have looked for you in everything I have experienced

In the flowers,

a passing plane, 

the feeling of your ring on my finger

holding on to each scrap of you that I could

Trying to find the slightest hint of comfort 

March 28th, 2020 was one of the worst days of my life 

As the world swirled with commotion I was stripped of my foundation

The one person who truly held me together

As the weeks passed my grief was interrupted by restrictions and guidelines

As I watched your funeral over Facetime I realized I did not know who I was without you behind me

In the passing years, the weight of grief has taken its toll on my life

Yet the memories I created with you push me to persevere

About the Author:

Sarah enjoys playing in her school band, watching her niece Eliza, and mountain biking. She has recently started writing and experimenting with how she can express herself.


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