Teenage Villanelle
Nostalgia in a flower pot,
In glittery darkness, shy wallflowers decay,
For me, the memories all fade and rot.
Two lovers guiltily caught,
Lipgloss, carnival lights, a kiss led astray,
Nostalgia in a flower pot.
Tears, over stupid exams, cafeteria napkins blot,
Cliques gather in such-and-such cliche,
For me, the memories all fade and rot.
No pad, on the toilet, a blood dot,
Smearing ketchup, an overthrown lunch tray,
Nostalgia in a flower pot.
With what such careful, meticulous art,
Do you value particular things of yesterday?
Nostalgia in a flower pot,
For me, the memories all fade and rot.
About the Author:
Zoe Parrott is an 18-year-old recent graduate of Livingston High School. She has a special interest in poetry, fiction, and op-eds, and has had work accepted or published in the Scholastic Writing Awards and Teen Ink.